Library Genre Drama Order by Title Director Year Story Of A Poor Young Man (the) Directed by Marino Girolami Never Ending Love (a) Directed by Luis Mario Terribile Knaut House On The River (the) Directed by Jean Delannoy Goodbye Forever! Directed by Mario Costa Bachelor Flat (the) Directed by Giuseppe De Santis Senseless Day (a) Directed by Mauro Bolognini Eyes Without Light Directed by Flavio Calzavara Naked Odyssey Directed by Franco Rossi Twilight Directed by Alex Paolucci Heaven Weeps Directed by Enzo Della Santa Careless Directed by Mario Bolognini Metempsycho Directed by Antonio Boccacci Dupre’ Crime (the) Directed by Christian Jaque Betrothed (the) Directed by Mario Maffei Michelino Cucchiarella Directed by Tiziano Longo Call Girl Directed by L. De Maria Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next