Library Genre Documentary Order by Title Director Year Andrea Doria – 74 Directed by Bruno Vailati Calypso Directed by Golfiero Colonna Contradictory Paradox Directed by Dario Germani Danger In The Deep Sea Directed by Bruno Vailati Europe By Night Directed by Alessandro Blasetti Friendly Monsters Of The Deep Directed by Bruno Vailati Fulci Talks Directed by Anonietta De Lillo Giants Of The Skies (the) Directed by Gaetano Petroselido Italians In Hell Directed by Enrico Novaro Italians On Holiday Directed by Walter Filippo Ratti Love The Great Unknown Directed by Max Hunter Men And Sharks Directed by Bruno Vailati Neon Crazy World Directed by Carlos Velo Night World Directed by Alessandro Iacovini Review Of Half A Century Directed by Luciano Emmer Taboo N. 2 Directed by Romolo Marcellini Pagination 1 2 Next