Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Gastone Directed by Mario Bonnard Stealing The Treasure Is Not Right Directed by Mario Di Nardo Lady In White (the) Directed by Mario Mattoli Felicita Colombo Directed by Mario Mattoli Bullier Than Ever Directed by Mario Mattoli Donatella Directed by Mario Monicelli Doctor And The Witch-doctor (the) Directed by Mario Monicelli Fathers And Sons Directed by Mario Monicelli I’ve Chosen Love Directed by Mario Zampi Just Like His Father Directed by Maurizio Lucidi Hundred Girls For A Playboy (a) Directed by Michael Pfleghar Mad Mutton (the) Directed by Michel Deville Devil’s Tail (the) Directed by Moraldo Rossi Comics 2 (the) Directed by N. PARENTI Fantozzi In Paradise Directed by N. PARENTI Unhappy And Contented Directed by N. PARENTI Pagination Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next