Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Fists, Dollars And Spinach Directed by Emimmo Salvi Adorable Idiot (an) Directed by Edouard Molinaro He’s Worse Than Me Directed by E. OLDOINI Your First Time Directed by Dudy Steel Here Comes The Storm Directed by D. LUCHETTI What A Night! Directed by D. CAMERINI Sea Star Directed by Corrado D'Errico Crossing Paris Directed by Claude Autant-Lara Spicy Love Directed by Carlo Veo So Long Gulliver Directed by Carlo Tuzii Unripe fruit Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia Songs, Guys And Dolls Directed by Carlo Infascelli Champion (The) Directed by Carlo Borghesio Two Hearts Directed by Carlo Borghesio Dance Of Wealth (the) Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque Comedy Italian Style Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque Pagination Previous 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next