Library Genre Comedy Order by Title Director Year Vagrant Hero Directed by Walter Santesso Holiday On The Snow Directed by Walter Filippo Ratti Nerone ’71 Directed by Walter Filippo Filippi And Supposing, One Fine Morning Directed by Vittorio Sindoni When You’re Twenty Life’s Always Fun Directed by Vittorio Duse Crime And Perfume Directed by Vittorio De Sisti Love And Sensuality Directed by Vittorio De Sisti Lions In The Sun Directed by Vittorio Caprioli Oh Dear Paris Directed by Vittorio Caprioli Nina Directed by Vincente Minnelli Love At First Sight Directed by V. SALEMME That’s Crazy Directed by V. SALEMME Dance Music Directed by V. DE SISTI Private Lesson (the) Directed by V. De Sisti Pierino The Pest Does It Again Directed by Umberto Lenzi Excuse Me, Are You Normal? Directed by Umberto Lenzi Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 12 Next