Library Genre Classic Order by Title Director Year Lieutenant Giorgio Directed by Raffaello Matarazzo Lions In The Sun Directed by Vittorio Caprioli Lost Dogs Without Collars Directed by Jean Delannoy Love dream Directed by Ferdinando Maria Poggioli Love Tactics Directed by Gennaro Righelli Mercy For Those Who Fall Directed by Mario Costa Mimi’ Directed by Florestano Vancini Napoleon’s Uncle Priest Directed by Flavio Calzavara Oh Dear Paris Directed by Vittorio Caprioli Owner Of The Iron-foundry (the) Directed by Anton Giulio Majano Passaguai Family (the) Directed by Aldo Fabrizi Passaguai Family Make Money Directed by Aldo Fabrizi Real Grit Directed by Giuliano Montalto Salem Virgins Directed by Raymond Rouleau Scatter – Brain (the) Directed by Gennaro Righelli Secret of the three points (The) Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next