Library Genre Classic Order by Title Director Year Betrayed The Wedding Night Directed by Mario Bonnard Twist, Lolitas And Drug Store Cowboys Directed by Marino Girolami Last Love (the) Directed by Luigi Chiarini Golden Madonna (the) Directed by Luigi Carpentieri Lost Dogs Without Collars Directed by Jean Delannoy Adriana Lecouvreur Directed by Guido Salvini Buried Alive Directed by Guido Brignone Blood-stained Wedding Directed by Goffredo Alessandrini Woman between two worlds (A) Directed by Goffredo Alessandrini All In Love Directed by Giuseppe Orlandini Bachelor Flat (the) Directed by Giuseppe De Santis Real Grit Directed by Giuliano Montalto Twenty Years Old Directed by Giorgio Bianchi Foolish Things Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst Scatter – Brain (the) Directed by Gennaro Righelli Love Tactics Directed by Gennaro Righelli Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next