Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Giovanni dalle bande nere Directed by Sergio Grieco Golden Car Directed by Jean Becker Golden Falcon (the) Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia Great Rebel (the) Directed by Georges Lampin Hostage Directed by Sandy Howard Indians Towards The North – West Directed by Luigi De Marchi Invincible Sword (the) Directed by Hugo Fregonese Karzan, Master Of The Jungle Directed by Demofilo Fidani King’s Orders (the) Directed by Georges Lampin Last Buccaneers (the) Directed by Marco Elter Last Of The Gladiators (the) Directed by Umberto Lenzi Magnificent Robin Hood Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Masked Man Against The Pirates (the) Directed by Vertunnio De Angelis Mercenaries Of The Apocalypse (the) Directed by Leandro Lucchetti Michelle Strogoff's Triumph Directed by Viktor Tourjansky Montecristo Island (the) Directed by Mario Sequi Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next